In September 2022 the focus of the CSCP Local Area Safeguarding Groups scrutiny activity was neglect. Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child's basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child's health or development (Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023).
The audit considered how well we protect children who are experiencing neglect. A total of 12 children's records were audited, with the ages of children ranging from 5 months up to 18 years old.
Findings from the scrutiny work identified the need for the previous Neglect Strategy to be reviewed and refreshed. The new Cumbria CSCP Neglect Strategy 2023-2026 was launched on 27 September 2023.
It was clear from the audits that there was not evidence of the Graded Care Profile 2 neglect identification tools being used. Feedback from practitioners was that they wanted a tool that was easier to use. Therefore, a Neglect Task and Finish Group was set up to review tools that could be used by practitioners. It was agreed the use of 'A Day in my Life' tools which were launched on 27 September 2023.
The CSCP 'A Day in my Life' Tools can be found on Neglect page of our website
Identified in the Scrutiny activity was the need to have an impact chronology in place. There were a number of families with a long history of involvement with statutory services, and the use of chronologies and an understanding of previous history should have been used to inform assessments and plans.
Do you use historical information when you are making an assessment of risk?
Have you read the CSCP's Top Tips for SMART Planning?
In a number of cases the voice of the child was not evident and too much focus was given to the parents or the child’s siblings.
Have you read the CSCP’s Guidance to ensure the voice of the child is heard?