Young Carers

A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.

A Young Carer is someone who does what an adult would usually do, like:

  • Staying in the house a lot to be there for the Cared For

  • Helping them to get up, get washed or dressed, or helping with using the loo

  • Doing lots of the household chores like shopping, cleaning and cooking

  • Looking after younger brothers and sisters

  • Providing emotional support or a shoulder to cry on

Being a young carer can have a big impact when growing up:

  • It can affect a young person’s health, social life and self-confidence.

  • Many young carers struggle to juggle their education and caring which can cause pressure and stress.

  • In a survey, 39% said that nobody in their school was aware of their caring role.

  • 26% have been bullied at school because of their caring role.

  • 1 in 20 miss school because of their caring role.

Unfortunately, Young Carers frequently progress through life unidentified.  You can help us rectify the situation as support is available for Young Carers aged 5 - 18 years of age, in Cumbria.  We work with the Young Carer and family offering statutory Carers Assessments, 1:1 support and activities. 

We work on a referral basis, which can come from the Young Carer themselves, family members or other professionals. 

Contact your local carer's organisation and lets together help young carers maintain a positive caring experience.

  • Carlisle Carers - 01228 542156

  • Eden Carers - 01768 890280

  • Furness Carers - 01229 822822

  • South Lakeland Carers - 01539 815970

  • West Cumbria Carers - 01900 821976

Please if you have any questions contact one of our Carer Support Workers for more information on how we can help support a Young Carer. external link will open in a new window

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