The CSCP Children’s Radar Group was established to aim to improve the standards of safeguarding and care of children in non-local authority (independent) residential care provisions and leaving care provisions within Cumbria. The Group will work to reduce the amount of crisis level cases requiring services and will share intelligence when there are concerns about the quality of care provision. Children’s Radar will also mobilise pro-active multi-agency support at the earliest opportunity to improve safeguarding care in any care provision and will appropriately escalate concerns to regulatory bodies; will share concerns with placing authorities regarding concerns of providers and when necessary will notify and work with other relevant multi-agency groups.
A case should be referred to the Children’s Radar Group where there is a concern regarding a particular residential unit/school and/or concerns as to how agencies have worked together to safeguard a child at the residential unit/school. The Children’s Radar Group will respond to practice issues; challenge agencies if they are not meeting their statutory obligations and will ensure agencies have used the escalation process where necessary.